Download " I am Malala" Story of Malala Yousafzai.
I am Malala is a true story of an extraordinary young woman who, at the age of 17, was shot by the Taliban for advocating girls' education. This book tells the story of Malala Yousafzai's life up to that point—from when she was a child growing up in Pakistan to her first day as an activist for women's rights in her home country—and how her family's struggle with their own faith and their experiences with the Taliban led them to take on Malala's mission.
The book is written by Christina Lamb and Ed Vulliamy who were both on assignment for The Observer newspaper when they began following Malala around. They recount their experiences of traveling with Malala and witnessing some of the most intense moments from her childhood through her teenage years, including bomb blasts and confronting fundamentalist bullies who attacked her for speaking out about girls' education.
In addition to detailing Malala's struggle as an activist for girls' rights, I Am Malala also shows readers how she has continued this work throughout adulthood. It details how she founded a foundation to help train other young women activists and how she has continued speaking out against violence against women even after being shot four years ago.
पुस्तक क्रिस्टिना ल्याम्ब र एड वुलियामीले लेखेका हुन् जो दुबै द अब्जर्भर अखबारका लागि असाइनमेन्टमा थिए जब उनीहरूले मलालालाई पछ्याउन थाले। उनीहरूले मलालासँग यात्रा गर्ने र उनको बाल्यकालदेखि किशोरावस्थासम्मका केही गम्भीर पलहरू, बम विष्फोट र केटीहरूको शिक्षाको बारेमा बोलेकोमा उनीमाथि आक्रमण गर्ने कट्टरपन्थी बदमाशहरूको सामना गर्ने अनुभवहरू सुनाउँछन्।
केटीहरूको अधिकारको लागि एक कार्यकर्ताको रूपमा मलालाको सङ्घर्षको विवरण दिनुका साथै, म मलालाले पाठकहरूलाई पनि देखाउँछ कि कसरी उनले वयस्कताभरि यो काम जारी राखेकी छिन्। अन्य युवा महिला कार्यकर्ताहरूलाई तालिम दिन उनले कसरी फाउन्डेसन स्थापना गरिन् र चार वर्षअघि गोली हानिएपछि पनि उनले कसरी महिलाविरुद्ध हुने हिंसाविरुद्ध बोलिरहेकी छन् भन्ने विवरण यसमा छ।